Yanky Stauber, LCSW – President of Neshumah, gives an interview to Kol Mevaser after first Neshumah networking and Chizuk event in 5781/2021
Kol Mevaser Interview
Previous Neshuah Conference Speeches
Special lesson by Mordechai Neuman LCSW
How do you see a Gite therapist? Why is it important to be licensed? Should I enter the field of therapy? All these questions are addressed in this two hour special lesson.
How to talk to kids in the face of tragedy, trauma, and uncertainty
In response to a string of domestic terrorism attacks targeting the Orthodox Jewish community, Neshumah published a video by its Vice President Mordechai Neuman, LCSW with some important tips on how to talk to kids in the face of tragedy, trauma, and uncertainty.